This is my zone


  • 2015-01-01 00:00

    Master’s degree in bioinformatics and biostatistics at Université Paris-Sud

    Learned about: Programming (C, Python, Java), Theoritical and practical databases, Algebra, Calculus, Systems and network modeling, Non-linear dynamic systems, Sequences analysis, Algorithmics, Machine Learning, and Optimization.

  • 2013-03-01 00:00

    Intern at LBPA

    Study of the helicoidal parameters of DNA that have an effect on DNA compaction, statistical analysis based on the TRX scalec using statistical analysis and spectral analysis in Python.

  • 2013-01-01 00:00

    Bachelor’s degree in Biology & Health at Université Paris-Sud

    Learned about: Biochemistry, Immunology, Virology, Genetics, Human physiology, Computer Science, and Biostatistics.

  • 2011-09-01 00:00

    ENS Cachan

    Getting into ENS Cachan